Archive for June 2013

sir veigh

I have a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.

Let me repeat .. ok, never mind … but it does mean that a) I know the difference between a survey, which is what George Washington did, and a questionnaire, which is a survey (!) instrument; and b) I am appalled at the use of the “survey” for commercial interests. Every time I buy something I am asked to “fill out the survey, it will just take a few minutes” (add it all up, it’s hours per day!), and if I dare give someone less than a stellar rating (which I must do, if the rating is to have any meaning) I am punished by being phoned and queried mercilessly.


Posted June 21, 2013 by lazykoblog in Uncategorized

there’s no such thing as

“woken up”

the phrase is either “I woke up” or “I was awakened”

Posted June 21, 2013 by lazykoblog in Uncategorized

Epistemology as a dimension of knowledge organization

I was recently one of a handful of keynote speakers at ISKO Brazil, meeting in Rio de Janeiro, May 27-29. It was my first trip to Brazil, and I was just a little shocked to find myself sitting at a bar at Ipanema listening to Bossa Nova. I texted my sister, because our mother (who passed away about a year ago) used to dream of such a thing. Well, be that as it might, I won’t write here about culture shock, I’ll come back to that.

I spent some time musing about dimensions and how epistemology could be a dimension of knowledge organization. In the end my presentation became rather pedantic, but that is because I think there is too much wiggle room in ISKO about just what knowledge organization is. And I think that is problematic for a domain that thinks of itself as a science.

I’ll try to write more about this soon.

Here are some photos from my trip. escondodinho 1 escondodinho 2 ipanema 1 ipanema 2 ipanema 3 ipanema 4 obligatory Jesus

And here is a pdf of my presentation, which I think also is available on ISKO Brazil’s website, but caveat emptor, this is not a formal research presentation. Smiraglia_Epistemological Dimension of KO

More later.

Posted June 12, 2013 by lazykoblog in domain analysis, epistemology, KO, Uncategorized

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